Beth Voss
Beth Voss
Central Florida
Central Florida
Beth and Jill are sisters, friends, and an organization dream team! Having grown up in a large family, these women learned a thing or two about how to keep order amongst the chaos of a busy family. As adults, Beth and Jill have decided to share their knowledge of controlling clutter to those in need of their organizational skills. Although Beth lives in Florida and Jill and Hayley live in South Carolina, they still manage to not only organize in their surrounding areas, but they often meet up and organize a house together!

Jill Moore
Jill Moore
Viera, FL
Viera, FL
Although Beth and Jill had organized together several times before, the idea of Organize By Heart really started in 2009 when Beth watched a speaking engagement by Lysa Terkeurst, a wonderful Christian author and speaker. Inspired, Beth and Jill both bought her book and decided to start a bible study together long distance. They went through the book together and over the course of a few months, the idea to live out their passions and organize homes became a reality. Through God's direction, and much discussion and prayer, Organize By Heart was born on April 20, 2010!

Hayley Halteman
Hayley Halteman
Jacksonville, FL
Jacksonville, FL
As God grows Organize By Heart's clientele, He is also growing the Organize By Heart staff! The organizational genes run in the family as Hayley (Beth's youngest daughter) joined the staff in 2012. She lives in Jacksonville ,FL. With her experience in organizing closets, rooms, and merchandise for student camps, Hayley was a perfect fit for the team! She often teams up with Beth or Jill in order to tackle an organizational project together!